Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Face, Skin and Hair - How to Use

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Face, Skin and Hair - How to Use

Aloe vera gel is an one stop solution for most of our skin and hair concerns and that’s why, today the market is full of skin and hair care products with aloe vera being the key ingredient in all.

The Egyptians used to call this humble herb  the ‘Plant of Immortality’ and it’s truly so! Aloe vera contains a high amount of Vitamins like  A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E, and also folic acid. Plus it contains minerals and few other components that are important for our skin and hair.

Be it acne, anti aging or dandruff – aloe vera is the answer for all. Below you can find out more about the benefits of aloe vera gel for face, skin and hair and how to use aloe vera gel on skin and hair.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Face and Skin –

1. Works as a Great Natural Moisturizer

If you are looking for a non-greasy, non-oily moisturizer which will provide best moisturization to your skin, look no further than aloe vera. It suits all skin types, even sensitive skin, because aloe vera doesn’t clog pores. Researchers say that regular use of aloe vera helps to improve the hydration of our skin.

How to use?

Take required amount of pure olava naturals aloe vera gel and massage on your face, neck as well as other body parts. Let it get absorbed for soft, supple and glowing skin.

2. Aloe Vera Treats Acne

Aloe vera, with its natural anti bacterial property, can fight off acne causing bacteria. The anti microbial and anti inflammatory benefits of aloe vera also help reducing breakouts. Plus, aloe vera has gentle cleansing benefit for our skin which is also helpful to get rid of acne and pimples.

Aloe vera contains couple of substances known as gibberellins and polysaccharides, that stimulate cell growth and make skin healthy. Aloe vera  also helps to reduce pore size and regulate sebum secretion.

How to use?

Add  juice of half of a fresh lemon to 1-2 tsp of natural aloe vera gel. Mix together and apply the resultant mixture onto the face.

Let it stay for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with fresh water. Reapply  twice or thrice weekly to reduce breakouts.

3. Anti Aging Benefits

Aloe vera  has anti oxidant  benefits which helps to deal with early signs of of aging, like premature wrinkles and lines. It can nourish the skin and also moisturize it from within. The nutrients present in aloe vera help repairing skin damages from within. Also, the polysaccharides present in aloe vera help in stimulating skin cell regeneration, thus lightening the early signs of aging.

How to use?

Brew some green tea. Let It cool down. Once it reaches room temperature, take two tbsp of green tea and mix it with a tbsp of pure aloe vera gel. Apply this mixture onto the face and neck and massage gently with your fingertips. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off with fresh water. Reapply 2-3 times in a week for youthful and glowing skin.

4. Minimizes Stretch Marks

Aloe vera contains a number of essential nutrients and other active components which restore health back to the skin and help in getting rid of stretch marks. Aloe vera, can boost collagen production which also helps lessening  the appearance of stretch marks.

The anti oxidants present in aloe vera also play a big role in stretch marks treatment. They help in repairing the damaged skin cells as well as promoting new cell growth, which gradually helps in reducing stretch marks.

How to use?

Take 1/4th cup of each aloe vera gel and olive oil. Mix together and massage the affected areas of the skin with this resultant mixture. Keep it on the skin for several hours, or even better, if you can leave it on overnight. The next morning, wipe it off with a damp washcloth. Repeat every day.

5. Soothes Sunburn

One of the best benefits of aloe vera for skin is its ability to soothe sunburn. Aloe vera is considered as an ideal after-sun treatment because of its cooling, soothing and anti inflammatory properties.

Topical application of aloe vera helps to bring down the redness of the skin. It also provides wonderful moisturization and hydration to the skin which is important to heal sun damaged skin.

How to use?

Take a medium sized cucumber and grate it. Extract the juice from the grated cucumber and mix it with some aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture on to the affected parts of the skin. Keep it on for some time. Let it dry on its own. Wash off with plain water. Repeat daily.

6. Reduces Dark Circles

Aloe vera is packed with antioxidants. It is a good source of vitamin E which is known to help lighten skin discoloration around the eyes. Aloe vera gel, with its natural cooling properties, helps to  remove puffiness around the eyes.

How to use?

Apply aloe vera gel around your eyes every night before going to bed.

aloe vera gel, aloevera gel

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair –

1. Boosts Hair Growth

Promoting hair growth is one of the best benefits of aloe vera for hair. Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes, which can repair the damaged cells in our scalp and boosts hair growth. Also aloe vera can stimulate dormant hair follicles and promote hair growth.

How to use?

In a bowl, combine 5 tbsp olava aloe vera gel with 2 tbsp honey and some coconut oil. Massage this mixture on to the scalp and hair. Once you are done, cover your hair with a shower cap and wait for 30-40 minutes. Use a shampoo to wash off the mask.

2. Repairs Dry Hair

Aloe vera gel is a powerful hair conditioner that can give relief from dry, dull hair. It nourishes hair and repairs damages. Topical application of aloe vera helps to provide gentle exfoliation and opens the pores. This helps to clean the hair follicles and also conditions hair roots. 

Aloe vera gel has a similar chemical composition to keratin, the primary protein in our hair cells. That’s why aloe vera gel can easily penetrate the hair shaft and follicles and add strength and luster to dry, dull and weak hair.

How to use?

Take two tbsp of fresh and unflavored yogurt and mix it with 3-4 tbsp of aloe vera gel. Mix together and apply the hair mask all over the scalp and hair. Gently massage with your fingertips. Wear a shower cap and wait for 30-40 minutes before washing off with a gentle shampoo. Repeat once or twice in a week.

3. Aloe Vera Cures Dandruff

Dandruff is a very common problem for both male and female. It is often accompanied by itchy scalp which is quite embarrassing. Aloe vera also helps to clear up the dead skin cells accumulated on the scalp and prevent the white flakes. The anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties of aloe vera fight off the bacteria that causes dandruff. Aloe vera also helps to soothe dry, irritated and itchy scalp.

How to use?

Take two tbsp each of pure aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Mix together and apply the mixture all over the hair as well as scalp and massage well. Keep the hair mask on for 30-40 minutes and then wash off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply once or twice in a week.

These were some of the most amazing benefits of aloe vera gel for face, skin and hair. Before you invest your hard earned money behind expensive skin and hair care items, give this humble gel a try and you won’t be disappointed.

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